Intermediate body:

This project is co-financed by the European Union.

Name of the project: By supporting networking and innovation in the bioeconomy to build a strong cluster – BIONET

Recipient: Bioeconomy Cluster, Radlinského 11, 949 01 Nitra

Place of implementation: Nitra

Grant: EUR 170,540.40

Project description:

The project is focused on the implementation of the main activity, which is the development of activities and strengthening the position of the cluster organization. The implementation of the activity will contribute to the fulfilment of three goals set by the Bioeconomy Cluster within the Cluster Development Strategy until 2025, namely: (1) Strengthening the innovation potential of actors in the bioeconomy through cooperation in knowledge and technology transfer, research, development and innovation with high regional impact, (2) Involvement of the regional research and innovation ecosystem in international cooperation, including projects and expert participation in national policy-making, (3) Raising awareness and information about the bioeconomy at the regional and national level.

The expected results of the project will be to strengthen the links between research and business practice, strengthen the knowledge base of Bioeconomy Cluster and knowledge transfer, support cross-sectoral cooperation, strengthen Bioeconomy Cluster’s position in the international innovation environment, increase awareness and information about the bioeconomy in Slovakia at national and international level and opening up new opportunities for cooperation.

Bioeconomy Cluster will create one job position thanks to the implementation of the project.

Information on the Operational Program Integrated Infrastructure 2014 – 2020 can be found at