Project title: Driving smart industrial growth through value chain innovation

Project acronym: CHAIN REACTIONS

Programme: Interreg Central Europe

Project duration: 04/2019 – 03/2022

Total budget: 2 090 597,00 EUR

Budget of BEC: 153 725,00 EUR

Lead partner: Pannon Business Network (HU)


The project aims to increase the capacity of industrial businesses to innovate. The idea is to absorb new knowledge and turn it into competitiveness edge and business value, growth and profits. There is especially a need to help SMEs to overcome operational stress and a capacity shortage with respect to innovation as well as a stronger integration into emerging transnational and global value chains.

The project focuses on five key sectors based on their embedding in regional smart specialization strategies. These include advanced manufacturing, ICT and electronics, energy and environment, h  ealth and bioeconomy. The partnership will develop practical instruments (e.g. maturity models) to measure innovation potentials and capacities; set up triple helix “Innovation and Growth Alliances” and develop their capacity to support value chain innovation; and set up value chain observatories to analyse selected industrial sectors and their value chains.

Project consortium is composed of 11 partners from 8 Central European countries and 3 associated strategic partners.

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This project is supported by the Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE Programme funded under the European Regional Development Fund.